


Tricolour Properties, the Real Estate Developer wing of Tricolour Group, honoured the most courageous women who won the battle of breast cancer and are now proudly tagged as ‘warriors of the pink ribbon’. 

Marking Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Tricolour Properties took the call to invite the cancer survivors Ms Sapna Venugopal and Ms Umaima Tinwala to share their experiences and turmoil in fighting the monster. 

The two women, who are in their 40s, are among the millions of women worldwide each year who are diagnosed with some form of breast cancer and embark on a difficult journey of surgeries, chemotherapy and radiotherapy to overcome what can be a fatal illness. 

Sapna Venugopal 

Sapna Venugopal, 46, originally from Bangalore, was diagnosed in 2017 after finding a lump when showering. 

“It is a diagnosis I never wanted to hear. But when I came face to face with this fear, I chose not to run away. Instead, took it as an endurance challenge.” Says Sapna. 

Through her long journey of tests, treatment and surgery, Sapna said she had ultimate faith in her doctors at Mediclinic and the treatment they prescribed. 

“From day one, I had complete trust in the medical team and the world-class facilities here in the UAE. I am forever grateful to the medical team that took care of me,” she said. 

Sapna said she also had the privilege of a supportive partner. “You cannot fight it alone, no matter how strong you are. He was my rock and he told me that we will get through it together,” she said. 

Beyond the physical side effects of the treatments, the experience of fighting and beating cancer can have a profound emotional effect on women. Indeed, medical practitioners say the vast majority of patients emerge from treatment with a greater willingness to extend a helping hand to others. And Sapna leaves no stone unturned in spreading her voice to not only create awareness about the breast cancer, but also to stand up for the ones who are undergoing this turmoil by joining hands with Pink Ladies, Breast Friends and Al Jalila Foundation and donating a portion of her income as a jewellery designer and from furniture restoration to a cancer charity in her native India. 

A growing body of research and significant medical advances continue to improve the prognosis for millions of women with the disease. But perhaps the most important development has been the increase in public awareness and the willingness of women to check themselves regularly and seek help early if they notice a potential problem. 

Umaima Tinwala 

Umaima Tinwala, 40, originally from Mumbai, was diagnosed in 2014 after finding a lump when showering. Having seen her mother battle cancer for 10 years and eventually succumb to it, she knew what lay ahead. Being a single mum, all she wanted was to be there for her nine-year-old daughter.  

“No matter how strong you are, it is a huge shock. When I walked out of the hospital, that fear was not there anymore. I thought, now that I have it, I better fight it,” said Umaima. 

“I did face financial difficulty with the treatment,” she said. 

She recollected her struggle to find affordable treatment, including buying vials of chemotherapy in India and using them for treatment back in Dubai. 

“I was fortunate as everything fell into place as a lot of my family live in the UAE. So were able to help whilst I was having treatment. I don’t know what I would have done otherwise. It was a difficult year, with a lot of physical changes and mental challenges. Because I caught it early, I’m still here. After removing the tumour, doctors ran tests and said it was the most aggressive kind of cancer and could have rapidly spread had it not been detected so quickly.” She said. 

Spreading awareness being crucial, she engages herself in giving talks at various schools on how important early detection is. “Having gone through what I’ve been through, there is no way I want anybody else to go through it.” Says Umiama. 

Final note 

Many women ignore the early symptoms and risk chances of survival considerably. Listen to your body. Apart from having a healthy lifestyle, keeping emotions and stress at bay plays a key role in guarding your body against any forms of cancer, says the warriors of pink ribbon. 

I take privilege

“The bravery shown by these two lovely ladies in fighting the biggest battle of their lives is commendable and I take pride and privilege in honouring them for the unconditional support they are rendering to the sufferers in turning them to be the next warriors” says Arvind Ragam, CEO of Tricolour Properties – Dubai. 

Mr Arvind thanked the supporters namely Sameena Khanam – Deputy Director Brand and Corporate Communications, Zulekha Healthcare Group; Anul Mundra – Founder of Indian Expats Dubai; Gopal V – MD, Daily Dose Restaurant, Priyanka and Cutting Edge Marina for joining hands in this noble cause. 

Author ~ Sowmya Chittarvu


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